Investor Bill of Rights -> Preamble

We, INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS, want transparency, control, certainty and trust in our financial markets; we want our interests represented accurately and considered thoughtfully; we want our voices heard and not drowned out by those who profit off of and treat us as products rather than customers.

Call Congress and let them know you want more transparency and competition.

market reform advocacy led by you, for you

We are an independent group of individual investors, supported by leaders in the industry, driving change in the way our financial markets are structured. We want Transparency, Simplicity & Fairness, Choice & Control, Best Execution, and Better Settlement & Clearing.

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Investor Bill of Rights -> Preamble

We, INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS, want transparency, control, certainty and trust in our financial markets; we want our interests represented accurately and considered thoughtfully; we want our voices heard and not drowned out by those who profit off of and treat us as products rather than customers.

We, INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS, will not accept a system that manipulates, monetizes and leeches off us, and we stand united, empowered to effect positive change for ourselves, our families and our communities.

It is time for better.

We want Transparency

Investors should be able to gather all important information regarding their brokers’ practices, how their securities are held, execution and other costs, conflicts-of-interest and trading activity.

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We want Simplicity & Fairness

Markets should be easier to understand and trust, without unnecessary complexity and excessive intermediation.

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We want Choice & Control

Investors should have control over their orders, trades, accounts and investments.

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We want Best Execution

Brokers must be held to a true best execution standard, not a “good enough” standard. Order routing inducements are an intractable conflict-of-interest for brokers, and must be fully disclosed or eliminated.

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We want BetteR Settlement & clearing

Investors should be offered a choice about how their purchase orders are settled, know when their trades are executed, and that their shares are actually owned and transferred. Investors need visibility into stock loan, margin and netting, short selling and failure-to-deliver processes. Barriers that remove or artificially skew an investor’s choice should be removed from the system without delay.

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Learn how to advocate more effectively

To advocate effectively for changes you believe in, we want to equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to effect change. Below you will find guides to critical and timely issues. The most impactful form of advocacy comes from focused individual effort and outreach, and we want to empower you to do that.

write a comment letter

The SEC cares what you think and wants to hear from you. For every proposed rule, they solicit public comment, and BY LAW they must read and take into account every comment letter.

While signing your name to a form letter is good, writing your own comment letter is a far more effective means of advocacy. Individual letters elevate your voice and ensure your concerns and perspective are acknowledged. Head to our Comment Letter How-To page to learn more and find rules that are open for comments.

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amplify your voice

One of the most important steps you can take is to let your members of Congress (both Senate and House of Representatives) know that you care about these issues.

Today, Congress has bills before it to both ban or preserve Payment for Order Flow (PFOF).  Additionally, the SEC is considering rules that would curtail the practice of PFOF and off-exchange trading of retail orders.

To support the efforts to curtail PFOF, connect with your member of Congress and share your argument for why you believe PFOF should be banned. If it helps, we even provide an outline for a script to support your argument.

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Call your rep, voice your concerns.

Enter your address and we'll connect you directly with your member of Congress for a phone call.

Call your rep, voice your concerns.

blank is your member of Congress. Enter your phone number below and we'll connect you directly with their office through a phone call.


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be the movement

There are several key ways that individual investors can join the movement and take action for more transparent, simple, and investor-centric markets.

Education -> Learn about the issues on this site, how to write comment letters and read our monthly updates.
Representation -> Contact your representatives to advocate for new rules and legislation.
Participation -> Write and file comment letters, sign petitions and take other actions as we identify key initiatives.


We are proud to be partnering with an incredibly diverse array of organizations and institutions across the market who all share a common goal of building a better market for all. If you're interested in being a partner and supporting our movement, send us an email!